Thursday, August 16, 2012

Feature & Follow (1)

Feature and Follow is hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read.  I'm excited, this is my first week doing this and I'm anxious to meet some new people!  I'm a new blog, so I'm pretty excited :)

Q: What blogger inspires you? It can be any kind, it doesn’t have to be a book blog.

One blogger that inspires me is actually a video book blogger on youtube, cassjaytuck.  She's very insightful when she does her book reviews and they're just wonderfully thought out.  She knows exactly what to say & is really careful with her words.  I just look up to her.  Book Nook Girl also inspires me.  A lot of you guys inspire me :)


  1. Great answer! I don't follow many video bloggers but I wish I did! New follower via GFC. My FFs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Friday! :D

    1. Yeah, she's really funny, insightful, and sarcastic when she does her book reviews and she does everything in between. I'm pretty new to the book blogging world so it's nice to see what bloggers inspire others! And thanks for the follow! I'll be following you!

  2. I have to check her out, New follower. Have a great weekend!

    My FF

    1. Thank you! & you too! :) I'll be following you!

  3. Book Nook girl is very good :) I am terrible and don't watch any video blogs. Terrible habit but if I see a video I skip it :(

    Who inspires you this week @ the Brunette Librarian :)

  4. I'll definitely be checking her out :) New GFC Follower!
    My FF
    ~Caitlin :)

  5. Ooh, that's cool! I don't really watch many reviews (I like words in front of me), but that's a cool way to share your love of books.

    New follower.

    Have a great weekend!

    My Follow Friday

  6. Great answer! Definitely checking out those videos and Book Nook Girl!

    New GFC follower! Here's My FF

  7. Hi!

    New follower! :) Have a great Firday! :)

  8. I don't watch a lot of video reviews, but I'll try to watch cassjaytuck's videos. New Follower.

  9. It's hard to pick just one! I just couldn't do it.. *new follower*

    My FF

    Happy Reading :)

  10. I haven't heard of cassjaytuck, but now I'll have to check it out (the only vlogger I really follow is Jenna Marbles because she cracks me up).

    I'm a new GFC follower. My blog and FF pick are here:

  11. My computer is acting wonky.

    New follower via GFC.

    And a link that actually works:
    Ensconced in YA FF

  12. I'm a new follower!

    Here is my answer:

  13. Book Nook Girl is unfamiliar to me I'm gonna have to go pay them a visit! :)

    Xpresso Reads

  14. New follower! I love watching YouTube videos on books - great selection for this week's Follow Friday question.

    Take care,
    Ms. C


Thanks for reading! I might respond to your reply & I love getting replies. It just really makes my day. So thanks so much and have a great day :)